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    Jenkins does not recognize command sh | nohup: failed to run command sh No such file or directory

    Jenkins does not recognize command sh | nohup: failed to run command sh No such file or directory


     While working on Jenkins pipeline , I came across the issue while trying to run a simple shell script. The error says "nohup: failed to run command `sh': No such file or directory". To solve that i did the following procedure. Hope this will help you. Please like and share if the tip helps you.


    In order to fix this issue, in case that you can't delete the PATH global property from "Manage Jenkins -> Configure System", you should add the following step:


    Like following: for Scripted Pipeline:

    node {
      stage ('STAGE NAME') {
        withEnv(['PATH+EXTRA=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin']) {
          sh '//code block'

    or for Declarative Pipeline:

    pipeline {
      agent {
        label 'master'
      stages {
        stage ('STAGE NAME') {
          steps {
            withEnv(['PATH+EXTRA=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin']) {  
              sh '''
                //code block


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