Yum Command Failing With Error "Could not resolve host: yum.$ocidomain; Name or service not known"
I got this error , while trying to install a package. The error says "https://yum.$ocidomain/repo/OracleLinux/OL7/addons/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Could not resolve host: yum.$ocidomain; Name or service not known"
Trying other mirror.".
Could not resolve host: yum.$ocidomain |
There are coule of workarround for this issue:
Workarround 1:
- Check the content of /etc/yum/vars/ociregion
# cat /etc/yum/vars/ociregion
- Make this file empty "/etc/yum/vars/ociregion" If you have a "-" in that file, which should not be there, empty the file with th commands below
# > /etc/yum/vars/ociregion
- Test the yum command again to make sure it works.
Workarround 2:
Please create these three files and Manually make an entry for Region,domain in them. Please replace region with your values.
#echo oracle.com > /etc/yum/vars/ocidomain
#echo us-ashburn-1 > /etc/yum/vars/region
#echo -us-ashburn-1 > /etc/yum/vars/ociregion
Please share and comment if it helps.
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