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    How to Install of KDE Desktop Manager on RHEL/CentOS/OEL 7 Linux Server

     How to Install of KDE Desktop Manager on RHEL/CentOS/OEL 7 Linux Server

    The default Graphical User Interface for Redhat Enterprise Based Linux 7 server is Gnome. If you want to install KDE Desktop or to switch from a RHEL/CentOS/OEL 7's default GUI gnome to KDE this tutorial will be handy.

    Installation of KDE desktop manager on RHEL/CentOS/OEL 7

    Here we assume that you currently do not have any desktop manager installed on your system. To install KDE desktop manager on RHEL/CentOS/OEL 7 execute below command:

    [root@oel7-oracle ~]# yum groupinstall 'X Window System' 'KDE'

    Once the installation is finished, change the default target to boot to a graphical environment using systemctl command:

    [root@localhost ~]# systemctl set-default graphical.target

    Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/default.target.

    Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/default.target to /usr/lib/systemd/system/graphical.target.

    After reboot you will be able to login to KDE desktop manager.

    Switching from GNOME desktop manager to KDE on RHEL/CentOS/OEL 7

    If you have decided to switch from the RHEL/CentOS/OEL 7's default GUI gnome to KDE desktop manager you first need to install KDE group:

    [root@oel7-oracle ~]# yum groupinstall 'KDE'


    After you reboot your system enter your login name and change settings to start KDE session as shown below:


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