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    Recover Unsaved File in Notepad++ in just 6 steps

    How to Recover Unsaved File in Notepad++

    This article is about how to recover unsaved files in Notepad++. Unsaved files can be recovered from Backup folder. 

    Notepad++ is a replacement of notepad. It's an Open source Software under GNU General Public License. We'll Check how to recover unsaved file when the Notepad++ is accidentally closed or Crashed. If you have the periodic backup feature is turned on you may have chances to recover unsaved or corrupted files after the program crashes. 

    Find Notepad ++ backup location :

    1. Open a new Notepad ++ file, click on "Settings" > "Preference".  


    2. Click "Backup" on the Preference window, and find the Notepad ++ backup location on your PC in the "Backup path".


    3. Copy the backup path of your Notepad and paste it into your Windows Explorer or RUN, press Enter to find the exact backup folder of your Notepad ++.

    4. You will be able to see all Notepad backups listed there. 

    5. Now Click on the file and click on "Edit the File With Notepad++" to view the lost Notepad ++ files.

    6. Click "Save As" or "Rename" to save your lost or unsaved Notepad++files to a safe location.

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