KeyError: 'db_name': Ranger KMS server install on Ambari2.7.3
KeyError: 'db_name': Ranger KMS server install on Ambari2.7.3
Hadoop Installation fails installing Ranger KMS server and subsequently the cluster installation fails. It gives following error:
Please run 'ambari-server setup --jdbc-db={db_name} --jdbc-driver={path_to_jdbc} on server host.'".format(params.db_flavor, params.jdk_location)
KeyError: 'db_name'
This is a database connection issue. First Impression is that we haven't set the database for rangerkms. But their could be different issues which might be causing this situation. Let's look into that:
Install MySQL Connector:
Check MySQL connector is installed or not. If not Install it.
yum install mysql-connector-java -y
Setup JDBC Driver:
Setup the jdbc-driver for ambari-server.
ambari-server setup --jdbc-db={db_name} --jdbc-driver={path_to_jdbc}
ambari-server setup --jdbc-db=mysql --jdbc-driver=/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar
Login to MySQL:
mysql -uroot -p{root_password}
Create Database for rangerkms.
create database rangerkms;
Create "rangerkms" User:
create user 'rangerkms'@'localhost' identified by '{rangerkms_password}';
Give Following permissions on "rangerkms" database for "rangerkms" user.
grant all privileges on rangerkms.* to 'rangerkms'@'localhost';
grant all privileges on rangerkms.* to 'rangerkms'@'%';
grant all privileges on rangerkms.* to 'rangerkms'@'{DB_HOST}' identified by '{rangerkms_password}';
grant all privileges on rangerkms.* to 'rangerkms'@'{DB_HOST}' with grant option;
grant all privileges on rangerkms.* to 'rangerkms'@'%' with grant option;
flush privileges;
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