How to add a New Worker Node to a existing kubernetes Cluster
How to add a New Worker Node to a existing kubernetes Cluster
Lets assume that after deleting a node we are planning to add a new node to our Kubernetes Cluster. We might don’t have the “kubeadm join” command and the token with us. We can follow the below procedure to generate a new token and add the worker node to the cluster
To view the token list execute the below command
kubeadm token list
Generate a token with below command, if you don’t have a listed token
kubeadm token generate
Take the generated token and create a command to join the worker node with below command
kubeadm token create [GENERATED_TOKEN] --ttl 12h --print-join-command
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Kubernetes Node Management : New token with a join command
Issue this command in the worker node and it will be joining to the cluster.
kubeadm join <Master node IP>:6443 --token XXXXXXXXXXXXXX --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx
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