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    sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo

    After configuring IPA or Sudoers rules, while you are trying to run the sudo command you'll come across this issue. 

    [root@exampleserver ~]# su -c 'sudo -l' test
    sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
    [root@exampleserver ~]# 

    This happens due to the tty enforced by "Defaults    requiretty" in /etc/sudoers file. 

    How to Fix This Issue?

    You need to replace the "requiretty" with "!requiretty" in the /etc/sudoers file to get rid of this issue. However this affects the global sudo configuration.  You can allow users of your choice rather than global value though.

    Defaults    !requiretty

    To allow any user explicitly:
    Defaults:username !requiretty

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