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    How to Change PE’s nginx listen address

    How to Change PE’s nginx listen address?

    PE’s nginx listen address (for the PE console) defaults to You can use the ssl_listen_address parameter in the puppet_enterprise::profile::console class to change this.

    1.  In the PE console, navigate to the Classification page.

    2. Select the PE Console group, and then click the Classes tab.

    3. Locate the puppet_enterprise::profile::console class, and from the Parameter drop-down list, select ssl_listen_address.

    4. In the Value field, add the new address.Click Add parameter, and then the Commit change button. Trigger a Puppet run on the node hosting the console.
    [root@example.com pe_console_prune]# puppet agent --test
    Info: Using configured environment 'production'
    Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
    Info: Retrieving plugin
    Info: Loading facts
    Info: Caching catalog for example.com
    Info: Applying configuration version '1466912385'
    Notice: Applied catalog in 51.83 seconds
    [root@example.com pe_console_prune]# 

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