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    gnome-power-manager: (root) GNOME interactive logout because the power button has been pressed

    gnome-power-manager: (root) GNOME interactive logout because the power button has been pressed

    Apr 28 18:31:28 test gnome-power-manager: (root) GNOME interactive logout because the power button has been pressed
    Apr 28 18:31:57 test gnome-power-manager: (root) GNOME interactive logout because the power button has been pressed
    Even though there is no one has pressed the power button, this message is shown sometimes and then power goes down.

    It is suspicious that there is an unknown bug on gnome-power-manager.

    1. Remove button module :   # modprobe -r button
    2. Registering the button module on blacklist in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
    # vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
         blacklist button

    Edit /etc/acpi/events/power.conf file.
    Comment this line : #action=/bin/ps awwux | /bin/grep gnome-power-manager | /bin/grep -qv grep || /sbin/shutdown -h now
    Or you can change the command to something not Harmful.

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