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    How to clear Squid Proxy cache: Step by Step Guide

    How to clear Squid Proxy cache


    How do I clear squid cache? How do I re-create the cache directories on a server. You can delete/clear cache and re-create the cache directories on a server using the following procedure:

    1. Check where is your cache directory is? 

    grep -i cache_dir /etc/squid/squid.conf

    2. Check the squid directory size.

    du -sh /var/cache/squid

    3. Open a terminal and login as root user. Once logged in type the following command to shutdown squid proxy server:

    squid -k shutdown

    4. Make sure, squid is not running anymore.

    ps aux | grep -i squ

    5. Go to squid directory and remove it.

    cd /var/cache/rm -rf squid

    6. Crete squid directory.

    mkdir squid

    7. Set the permissions.

    chown squid:squid squid

    8. Now, to re-create the cache directories, Enter following commands.

    squid -z

    9. Restart the squid service.

    service squid start

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