GAB Driver And VCS Seeding
/etc/gabtab file will contain the number of nodes defined in the
cluster. During an initial build, the cluster won't fully start until
all nodes are seen. The gabtab is in the following format:
If you are certain that no split-brain condition is happening, gabconfig -cx can be used to manually bypass the protection.
/sbin/gabconfig -c -n2
-n2 specifies there are 2 nodes required to "seed" the cluster. That
number should reflect the actual number of nodes in the cluster. Once
that number of nodes is seen, the "Port a" membership is established.
Running gabconfig -a | grep "Port a" will show the current
membership ID and count for the Port a membership. This check is in
place to prevent split-brain conditions and the resulting data
corruption that occurs if the cluster starts two or more mini-clusters
and related resources. If you are certain that no split-brain condition is happening, gabconfig -cx can be used to manually bypass the protection.
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